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How Necessary Are Prenatal Vitamins?

How Necessary Are Prenatal Vitamins?

Believe it or not, the answer to this question varies from person to person.  Many people believe that prenatal vitamins are necessary for a healthy pregnancy and baby while others dismiss them completely. 

Still, there are others who think that only certain types of women should be taking prenatal vitamins (vegetarians, smokers, etc.). Below are a few things to consider as you make your decision regarding the necessity of prenatal vitamins.

What is the Controversy About?

Some experts have mixed feelings about prenatal vitamins because there have been studies done that have shown women who took prenatal vitamins had babies who weren’t any healthier than women who didn’t take prenatal vitamins. 

However, other experts believe that prenatal vitamins reduce the risks of various birth defects such as neural tube defects and other serious conditions.

Then, there are the doctors who believe prenatal vitamins are a good thing to supplement your diet with, but they don’t press the issue upon their patients. And, there are other experts who take the stance that it’s the supplement industry who is pushing the “need” for prenatal vitamins and there really isn’t a need for them. Obviously, there are a lot of opinions regarding prenatal vitamins to choose from.

Folic Acid – One thing that every expert agrees on is that there is a need for folic acid during pregnancy. There can be serious consequences for babies born with folic acid deficiencies and since folic acid isn’t prominent in the average diet, taking a folic acid supplement is something you need to do if you aren’t taking a prenatal vitamin.

Getting Sick – There are some pregnant women who get sick when taking prenatal vitamins and others who don’t suffer any effect from them. There are others who get nauseated when taking them. The pills are very large, much larger than other pills. Therefore, many women stop taking them altogether due to how they make them feel.

Absorption – Another common dispute regarding prenatal vitamins is whether or not they are absorbed by the body. Many people believe they are while others do not feel the body absorbs them well enough to get any real benefit from them.

Alternatives to Prenatal Vitamins – There are some alternatives for prenatal vitamins suggested by some experts and doctors. One includes eating fortified cereals for breakfast in place of the pill. Just make sure you’re eating cereals that have 100% of the USDA of all major vitamins and minerals in them. This suggestion is often presented to women who can’t stomach prenatal vitamins.

Also, you don’t necessarily need a prescription for prenatal vitamins as they can be purchased over the counter. Some even come in food-based forms/capsules, making them more likely to be absorbed.

If you purchase a prenatal vitamin at a drugstore and not through a prescription, make sure you read the directions thoroughly as some require 3-6 pills to be taken each day!  Many women who take prenatal vitamins like these find it easy to spread the pills out over the course of the day. However, there are prenatal vitamins available that only need to be taken once a day.

Read on for the next post in the Mom's Pregnancy Guide, Overcoming Pregnancy Tiredness.

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