It's advertised on cereal boxes, bread and other foods, and it's something we're always trying to eat more of on a regular basis, but how many of us really understand what's so great about eating more fiber?
Just as Grandma Always Said, Fiber Helps You Stay Regular
Constipation is a huge problem for many people, and even those who eat a good diet often aren't exempt from this problem. Adding more fiber to your diet will help to stabilize your bowel movements and make it much easier to go to the toilet regularly.
Apart from discomfort, constipation can cause many problems within your body. Not only will your digestive system not work as effectively as it could, but you could end up developing hernias and other painful issues.
You Can Achieve a Healthier Weight By Increasing Your Fiber Intake
If you're trying to lose weight or maintain your current weight, adding extra fiber to an already-balanced diet can really help you to reach your goals.
Apart from losing weight, you'll also feel less bloated and more energetic throughout the day, which will encourage you to continue eating healthier and will also provide you with the energy that you need to work out and exercise.
Fiber Lowers Cholesterol
High cholesterol can be extremely dangerous, and people often don't take it seriously because of how common it is and how many people suffer from it around the world, particularly in the West.
A poor diet is usually the cause of high cholesterol, and if it's left untreated for a long time, your arteries can become blocked and clogged, causing you to suffer from heart disease and other serious problems. Fiber helps to lower your cholesterol and maintain a healthy cholesterol level, thus preventing future health issues.
Fiber Helps Maintain Blood Sugar Levels
While retaining blood sugar levels, it also helps with either improving or preventing diseases such as diabetes. Type 2 diabetes often develops in older people, especially if they are overweight or have had a diet of sugars and fat for most of their lives.
Adding fiber to your diet while you're young and eating it as part of a healthy and balanced diet can help to prevent the development of diabetes later in your life. If you are middle-aged and worried about developing diabetes, you can add fiber as one of the precautionary measures to try and prevent it from developing in the near future.
Keto diets are making big waves these days. Check out this great video from Thomas DeLauer on Keto vs. Fiber. It is packed full of not only great information, but plenty of references too!
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