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Vegetables to Juice and Blend

There are dozens of different vegetables to add to your juice and smoothie lifestyle. And because produce is seasonal, you can focus on buying the fruits and vegetables that are in season and save money. 

You’ll also get the freshest produce when you buy what’s in season. Let’s begin with everyone’s favorite vegetable.

·         Carrot – Who doesn’t love carrots? They’re sweet, they’re crunchy, and they are packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamin C. When juicing, you don’t have to peel them, you can just pop them into the juicer and enjoy.
·         Beets – Beets add a glorious color to your smoothies and juices and they’re rich in iron as well as many other beneficial minerals.
·         Peppers – Green, red, orange, and yellow, sweet peppers are rich in vitamin c and have lots of antioxidants. And if you want to add a kick to your tomato juice you can always toss part of a hot pepper into your juicer or blender.
·         Tomatoes – Tomatoes aren’t a veggie that you can use casually in juices or smoothies. They don’t blend well with a multitude of flavors. However, if you enjoy a Bloody Mary type cocktail then you can enjoy a non-alcoholic smoothie or juice version of it. Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and myriad other nutrients. They also juice quiet easily.
·         Cabbage – Cabbage is one of the many cruciferous vegetables that are excellent for fighting cancer, detoxifying your body, and improving digestion. Other cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. They’re all excellent for regulating blood sugar as well.
·         Celery – Celery is an excellent vegetable to juice and blend. It has diuretic properties and is a detoxifier. It also contains potassium and has been used to lower blood pressure. Celery stalks, including the greens, can be washed and popped into the blender or juicer whole. No trimming or peeling required.
·         Sweet Potatoes – Okay, so sweet potatoes aren’t what you normally think about when you think about juicing and smoothies. However, you can juice them. They’re packed with beta carotene (it is what gives them the orange color). They also have iron, vitamin b and vitamin c. You can also enjoy turnips and yams in your juice or smoothies.

Fruits and Berries Add a Little Sweetness

While many vegetables are quite sweet, fruit can take your smoothie to the next level. And if you’re trying to break a sugar habit, a little fruit can help you make the transition to a low sugar diet. Here are just a few of the flavor packed fruits to consider adding to your shopping list.
·         Berries – Whether you’re talking about strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or other types of berries, they’re all packed with antioxidants. These antioxidants help fight disease and boost your immune system. They’re easier to add to a smoothie than a juicer. However, they’re a welcome addition to either.
·         Cranberries – Yes, cranberries are a type of berry. However, they are quite different than most berries. They help prevent bacteria from forming in your digestive tract, bladder, and kidneys. They’re excellent for digestion as well. They’re sour, unlike other types of berries, and may need to be sweetened with other berries, grapes, or apples.
·         Citrus – Mmmm, what’s better than a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice? Oranges, grapefruits, and other types of citrus are full of vitamin C. They also contain carotenoids and bioflavonoids as well as antioxidants.
These fruits are easier to juice than to add to a smoothie because the outer skin, once you peel them, can be bitter. A juicer will leave this bitter material behind, a blender won’t.
·         Melons – Melons are natural diuretics and detoxifiers. They also have high water content and make juicing easy. Melons also blend well with a number of other flavors.
·         Pineapple – Pineapple is rich in vitamin c and b. It’s also quite sweet and a little can go a long way. It often works better in your juicer because the fiber can be difficult to blend.
·         Mango – Mango is a fruit that you’ll have to pit and peel but it’s worth the effort. It’s rich in B vitamins which are great for skin, hair, nails and for helping your body manage stress.
·         Apples – You’ll find that many smoothie and juice recipes contain apples as one of their ingredients. Apples are sweet. They have fairly high water content, and they’re good for you. They’re packed with antioxidants and blend well with a wide number of other fruits and vegetables.
·         Bananas – Like apples, bananas are high in B vitamins. They’re also high in potassium and can give a smoothie a creamy texture. Ripe bananas are extremely sweet and pair well with chocolate, nuts and nut butters along with other tropical fruits.
·         Papaya – Papaya has a distinct flavor. Many people either love it or hate it. It’s rich in papain, an enzyme that helps breakdown protein. Papaya seeds can also be eaten. They have a taste that’s often described as peppery.
This list of fruits and vegetables is by no means exhaustive. There are many other fruits and veggies that you can try. Before we wrap up with a few recipes and tips for success, let’s talk about the add-ons you might want to consider.

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