Are you looking for a
convenient way to eat healthier? Do you want to accomplish better health and
nutrition but you don’t want to give up the flavor and joy of food? Or maybe
you want to eat healthier but just don’t have the time to cook or prepare meals.
The secret missing ingredient or missing food is easy. It’s
super healthy, and you can lose weight, have more energy, sleep better and
enjoy improved vitality. What is this powerhouse ingredient? It is two types of
food actually, juices and smoothies.
the Difference?
Juicing is the
process of extracting the juice or liquid from fruits and vegetables. The peel
and the pulp are left behind.
There are many different types of extractors or
juicers and you can certainly juice many foods, like oranges, by hand. Fresh
juice is flavorful and nutritious.
Smoothies are made in a blender.
All of
the pulp and fiber is contained in your beverage. Smoothies are generally
prepared with a base. You might use water, milk or even yogurt. We’ll take a
deeper look at the bases for smoothies and a few recipes in just a bit.
For now, know that while both smoothies and juicing is
healthy and beneficial, if you’re seeking more fiber in your diet, smoothies
are the better choice – provided that you don’t pack your smoothie with sugar
and other unhealthy additives.
Speaking of fiber and boosting your health, let’s take a look
at how smoothies and juicing can improve your life.
Add Juices and Smoothies Into Your Diet?
Okay, you’ve heard a lot about smoothies and juicing but
maybe you’ve been wondering what all the fuss is about. Let’s start by saying
that both juicing and smoothies are a fantastic, and delicious, way to improve
your health. But let’s talk specifics, right? You probably want to know WHY
they’re good for your health.
- RDA of Fruits and Vegetables – Do you eat enough fruits and vegetables? If you’re like most folks then the answer is no. Even if you have good intentions and eat a fruit or veggie at every meal you may still be behind on your recommended daily allowance.
Juicing and smoothies
both help you get your RDA in every single day. Think about it, if you have one
breakfast smoothie you may easily consume four to five servings of fruits and
vegetables in one beverage. Consume two smoothies in a day and you can count
that day a vegetable success.
- More Energy – When you drink a smoothie or a glass of freshly made juice, you get an instant dose of energy. The digestive process is hastened; you digest smoothies quickly, and receive the nutrition and benefits almost instantly.
And if you add
protein to your smoothies or juice then your energy will last several hours
because the protein helps control the release of sugars into your blood stream.
- Better Health and a Stronger Immune System – Studies have shown that people with a diet high in vegetables and fruits have a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The antioxidants and vitamins help protect you from common viruses and infections too.

Detoxification – Juicing
can help flush your body of the natural toxins you’re exposed to every day.
You’re exposed to toxins in the air you breathe, in the things you touch and
even in the foods you eat.
herbicides, and chemical additives in some foods can cause problems when they
build up in your body. Juicing can help you get rid of those toxins and enjoy
better health and vitality.
Loss – Are you looking to lose a little, or a lot, of weight?
Juicing and smoothies are a wonderful way to enjoy delicious nutrition and
energy without the calories. Think about it, a satisfying smoothie is a much better
lunch than a fast food burger, right?
Benefits - Finally, many
people who add juicing and/or smoothies to their daily nutrition find that they
also enjoy better skin, better hair, improved sleep and even an improved sex
life. There really isn’t a downside to drinking a delicious glass of fruits and
vegetables each and every day.
Are you ready to take that first step? Let’s take a look at
how you can start adding smoothies and juicing into your daily diet.
to Add Smoothies and Juicing Into Your Daily Life

Smoothies are actually easy to make and with a little help
they’re easy to plan for and take with you on the go.
Breakfast – Do you eat a healthy breakfast every day? Not everyone
does. However, you can whip up a smoothie in the morning pour it into a travel
cup and drink it on the go.
One smoothie with a
little protein can keep you satisfied and full until lunchtime. And you can be
confident you’re getting the nutrients and vitamins your body needs.
For example, a
smoothie made with your milk of choice, a handful of greens, a banana or an
apple, and a little protein powder or chia and you have a perfect meal in a
glass. Best of all, it took less than five minutes to prepare.
Snacks – One of the biggest hurdles many people have when they’re
trying to lose weight is the mid-day snack. A prepared smoothie can solve all of
your problems.
You can even prepare
your smoothie the night before and pop it in the freezer. It’ll thaw throughout
the morning and be cold and tasty when you’re ready for your mid-morning or mid
afternoon snack.
For example, a
smoothie made from coconut milk, a very ripe banana, protein powder, a
tablespoon or two of cacao powder and a bit of nut butter makes a sweet and
satisfying mid-day snack. You won’t miss the vending machine or the drive-through
at all.

Dinner Snack – Many weight loss experts and nutritionists advise against
eating before you go to bed. But let’s face it, sometimes you’re just too
hungry and sometimes it’s nice to have a little something while you’re watching
television or relaxing late in the evening.
A fresh juice or
smoothie can be a healthy way to soothe the craving and if you use green leafy
vegetables, you’ll reduce the sugar content in your snack. And if you add a
little extra nutrient, like flaxseed, then you’re giving your body a nice
health boost.
Adding smoothies and
juicing to your diet is simple. It’s so easy in fact that you might find
yourself drinking several a day.
Consider starting with just one or two each
day to give your body time to adjust to the increased fiber intake. You just
need a few tools to get started.
You Need to Get Started Juicing and Enjoying Smoothies
You may already have everything you need to begin your new
smoothie lifestyle. All you really need is a blender. If you’re juicing then
you may want to consider adding a juicing machine to your kitchen appliances.
You can juice some vegetables and fruits by hand.
However it’s difficult to get some of the juice out of the
more dense vegetables. Imagine trying to juice a carrot or spinach by hand.
Blender – If you
don’t already own a blender, look for one that has an option to blend frozen
food. Frozen berries and even frozen spinach cubes can be an easy way to store
fresh produce.
However, if your
blender cannot handle blending frozen fruits and vegetables then the smoothie
making process can be a hassle. Some manufacturers have “smoothie” makers that
you can buy; however, you don’t need to if you already own a good blender.
Search for blenders on Amazon here. Be sure to check out the reviews to get the
best machine possible for your needs.
Juicer – Juicers
come in a variety of styles and are suitable for a variety of budgets. When
comparing juicers look for models that have a reputation for durability.
Chances are you’ll be using your juicer often and you want your investment to
Additionally, while
no juicer is easy to clean up, look for models that make the process as simple
as possible. If you can toss some of the parts in the dishwasher, that’s even
Knife – Slicing a pineapple or a head of cauliflower in half takes
some muscle but more importantly, it requires a good knife. You’ll need to chop
your veggies and fruits into pieces that are small enough to fit in your juicer
or blender.
Colander – Wash
your fruits and vegetables before you prepare your juice or smoothie. Colanders
make the task simple.
Peeler – While
you can toss fruits and vegetables into your juicer with the peels on, you
cannot do this with a blender. And in many cases you may not want to juice with
the peel on. It takes longer and can clog up the juicer. Invest in a good
vegetable peeler.
Cups – One of the best ways to enjoy a smoothie is on the go.
Look for travel cups that can store a large volume. Ideally, you can also
freeze your travel cup and toss it into the dishwasher for easy cleaning.
If you prefer to
drink from a straw then look for a travel cup with a built in straw. Nalgene
and Camelback brands both manufacture larger travel containers that are perfect
for smoothies and juice. You can also buy an insulated cover to keep your beverages
Recipes -
Finally, consider grabbing a few recipes to begin with. Keep a notebook handy
as well. Some of the best smoothie recipes come from experimentation. You may
find that adding an herb to your breakfast smoothie recipe kicks it up a notch.

The book provides a great overview of juicing and
smoothie making and has tons of delicious recipes…some even combining both
techniques of drink making.
In addition, having a
notebook at the ready means you won’t forget your recipe and can enjoy it
Once you have your
supplies, it’s time to head to the supermarket to begin looking for the ideal
smoothie ingredients. In the next section we take a look at everything from applesto protein powder and everything in between.
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