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10 Helpful Tips on Hamster Care

Hamsters have many qualities that endear them as pets - they are small, soft, cuddly, and extremely cute. They also don't require housebreaking or daily walks. They do, however, require specific care. 

Whether you choose to acquire a Syrian hamster (or Golden hamster, the most common) or dwarf hamsters, following these ten tips will help keep your hammy friend happy and healthy for its entire 2-4 year lifespan.

1. Set up the cage first

Before you go buy your hamster, get the cage set up to minimize transition time. If you are getting a Syrian hamster, get only one, as Syrians do not live in communities. Dwarf hamsters, however, can live in pairs. Wire cages or glass aquariums are both fine, as long as there are at least two square feet provided per hamster or dwarf pair and the top is secure. Hamsters are efficient escape artists!

2. Choose appropriate bedding for the cage

Pet stores offer a wide variety of beddings, from pine shavings to pellets. Whatever you choose, make it at least three inches deep so your hamster can dig.

3. Provide privacy

Hamsters need a place to sleep during the day that is quiet and private, such as an old tissue box or commercial hamster "igloo" within the hamster's habitat.  

4. Hamsters need lots of exercise

In the wild, hamsters run long distances to various food sources, and thus they are programmed to be on the move. Let your hamster out to exercise in a hamster-proof area for a bit each day and also provide an exercise wheel. Toys are appropriate, too, such as toilet paper tubes, pipes and tunnels of PVC or other hard plastic, or small, cardboard boxes.

5. Good food is important

A commercial hamster mix is appropriate for daily rations. Put the food in a heavy bowl and supplement with healthy treats such as raw vegetables (but not raw potato, onion, or garlic), fruits, and nuts.

6. Clean water is essential

It's better to put your hamster's water into a bottle that hangs on the side of the cage than in a pan or bowl. Containers of water get dirty quickly and are prone to spilling. Change the water in the bottle daily.

7. The need to chew

Hamsters do not just like chewing; they have to, in order to keep their front teeth worn down. Commercial chew sticks without added coloring are appropriate, or you can give your hamster a large dog biscuit or twigs from beech, maple, or fruit trees that have not been exposed to pesticides.

8. Respect their nocturnal nature

Hamsters sleep during the day and are active during the night, so be sure the cage is kept somewhere that the night-time noise will not bother human sleepers. Also, hamsters do not like to be awakened during the day (and may bite if so bothered), so clean the cage or handle the hamster later in the day. 

9. Keep it clean

Your hamster will designate a corner of his cage as a bathroom; scoop this area out daily, and any caches of food hidden about the habitat. Once a week, change all the bedding and clean or replace the toys.  

10. Handle with care

Be gentle when you pick up your hamster. Scoop him up by cupping your hands around his body and hold him over a close surface so he won't fall far if he wiggles free. 

When hamsters are maintained properly, which is not difficult, they make delightful, charming little pets.

Here is a great video to give you some more tips on caring for your hamster:

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